Reef fish

Fish stocks are depleting fast all over the world. We all need to think about the future of our planet and the generations to come. Fish farming is for sure the key for continious accesibility to fish in the long term. But why should we all stick to the consuming of the most popular species like Salmon, Alaska Pollack, Schrimp, Cod to name just the top of the bill? 75 % of Salmon consumed globally is farmed…  we at 5 Oceans are taking our planets natural resources to an other environmental friendly and socially engaged level.

Over the past 15 years we have been studying the Southern Indian and Sri Lankan fish industries, fueled in too many ways by volumes and industrial gears and equipment. The contrast can not be bigger looking at fishermen who still today go out in small and sail-driven boats early in the morning to bring in literally “live” fish before the heat of the day has taken over…

Fish caught in traditional ways like angling, netting and trapping are eco-friendly from all angles and the result is found in local species still available in plenty.

The entire process, from catching in the reefs of the Indian Ocean and having the fish available for pick-up at one of Europe’s main airports (Frankfurt, Milan, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, …), takes in most cases only 24 hours. Freshness guaranteed!

We are taking “special care” of our fish from tropical waters upto the cooled truck 5000 and more miles away from the catching grounds.

« Special » as in “not common”

« Special » as in special care for the environment & sustainability

« Special » as in catching method

Unique offer of fresh reef fish


Fish with fine meat texture and exceptionally delicate flavour, available throughout the year


Firm fish, delicate texture with mild flavour, available throughout the year


Firm fish with an outspoken lovely taste (also raw), available throughout the year

Our superfresh offer... alive! 


Smooth meat texture, firm white flesh and medium-sweet taste


Smooth meat texture, firm white flesh and medium-sweet taste

     Live crustaceans

Rock lobsters (or spiny lobsters) and slipper lobsters, also known as the kind of lobster without claws, are living in tropical, warm waters around the world. In Sri Lanka these animals are mostly caught overnight in a traditional way using traps with cut bait. Since about 10 years the Sri Lankan government has implimented a fishing ban in order to avoid (over)fishing especially when lobsters are spawning, as a result there is a contribution to the sustainability in order to enhance the natural stock of the species. During the months of February, September and October no fishing activity for lobsters take place, during these months the ocean water reaches the optimum average temperature for the reproduction.

Our collecting centers

We are investing in the realisation of collecting centers, where we are exchanging and sharing local knowledge while implementing state of the art infrastructure and tools with a scientific and sustainable appoach.

As in two of our business pillars, people and planet, we always strive to create a win-win with respect to natural resources and embetterment of the lives of the local communities.

Top quality canned fish

Unique quality canned fish for the international food industry and foodservice market

Our sterilized fish is always packed in flexible bags in a watery medium or in vegetable oil with standard content of 600 grams, 1400 grams and 3000 grams. Our unique packaging guarantees a shelf life of 36 months.

Your request is our task !

Tailormade solutions are negotiable at every level whether it is the content of the individual packaging (tuna, mackerel, crab, etc.), the percentage of medium or a private label .... Everything is possible!